
EVA Report:

EVA #10

Crew members: Louis Maller (EVA leader) backpack 1, ATV red Honda

Jérémy Rabineau backpack 4 ATV#2

Camille Gontier backpack 2 ATV#3

Location: 12S-520235E-4250690Nreturning to the Canyon the other crew spotted

Time: departure at 9:25 a.m.

Duration: 2h30min


- exploring the ATV roads looking for an interesting land features

(canyon, or other features were we could carry out a geology

experiment for tunnels)

- Detection of Mind-Wandering using ECG

- If it is sunny, outdoors test of the MOMA project

9:25 Start decompression

9:28 Engineering check

9:35 MOMA experiment placed outsides

9:37 all ATVs started, departure from the Hab

9:40 on the main road heading north

10:00 within 200m of the canyon, ATVs stopped

10:17 at the canyon, exploring rocks

10:30 exploration down inside the canyon

11:00 heading ack to the ATVs

11:15 heading back towards the main road

11:37 on the way back to the Hab on the moon road

11:40 back to the Hab

11:45 fueling ATV2

11:47 fueling ATV red Honda

11:53 EVA team goes to fetch the fallen objects from previous CRV testing

11:55 leak seen on the Hab a little leftwards from the previous leak

11:57 recompression starts

12:00 recompression ends


The EVA team started by the engineering check, and putting out the

MOMA experiment because it was bright and sunny outsides. We left on

the ATVs all of them working great. Camille guided us to the very

picturesque canyon that we were looking for. We parked some 200m from

the canyon and finished on foot. We took some pictures and then set

out to explore. We found a way inside the canyon, and we set out

inside. We had a look at some rock outcrops, and inspected them for

maybe further geologic experiments. The canyon was really beautiful.

When we had done the exploring we wanted we headed back towards the

main road. On the way we stopped to inspect another rocky outcrop.

Then we returned to the Hab. Once back to the hab we replaced the MOMA

experiment in the engineering airlock. We went to retrieve the plastic

parts that had been used for previous CRV experiments. On our way back

to the Hab we spotted a leak, with some water in it, a bit left from

the bigger leak that we had spotted earlier on and that is known. Then

we went back inside. Mission accomplished. Very glad to have been able

to explore this awesome canyon, had a look at its geology. Riding on

the ATVs is always a fun experience too, especially on such a nice

martian sol.


Louis Maller

Crew Engineer for MDRS Supaero Crew 164