
Kellie Gerardi


Journalist Report

It’s sad to think that our rotation is coming to an end. We have four more days in our rotation, only three of which will be in simulation. We’re using these last few days to wrap up our experiments and ensure that we have recorded all the data and observations that we’ll need. Of course, for studies involving plant growth, it’s in our best interest to keep them going for as long as possible, so those will be the last projects that we break down.

Otherwise, we’re beginning the packing process. We spent the day around the Hab, completing a food inventory for the Mars Society and finishing up some of our individual projects. Ken is helping me complete a mid-rotation video, which due to the date, will now be a late-rotation video (my fault). I spent the day writing an op-ed for the Huffington Post, and beginning to organize some of my research projects.

I’m repacking my 3D printer and my Final Frontier Design prototype spacesuit, which they were kind enough to loan me! It was very exciting for all of us to have a real spacesuit in the Hab.

Earlier this week, I wrote an article for Space.com, which was published on their website today, along with a nice gallery of images: www.space.com/28591-researchers-explore-simulated-red-planet-in-utah-desert.html

We’re making pizza for dinner and are enjoying sharing all of our photos among the crew. Attached are a few from the past few days.