
SOL: 10

12/09/2015 / Wed

HSO Philippe A. Souvestre

Second in Command: Nicholas Ip Jewell

Summary Title

Martian feats and exploits celebrated today


Overall, Mission status is evolving well as planned.

Morning briefings focused on

1. Extensive EVA sortie planned this morning

2. Ongoing pre-pilot exploratory biomedical feasibility evaluation

Mission planning for the day re

1. 0800 - Breakfast/Crew tasks and duties

2. Water system Logistics status review re crew showers, dish washing, loft tank maintenance

3. EVA 8 of the day led by Emmy Ip Jewell with Nicholas Ip Jewell and Philippe Souvestre

4. 1015 – EVA 8 donning

5. 1025/1223 – EVA 8 sortie/airlock time logs/1hr 58min long including besides initial daily engineering checks a technical feasibility evaluation of an ATV supported filming undertaking and geological sampling assignment during a long range exploratory hiking mission.

6. 1255 – Lunch time with post-EVA debrief

7. 1330 – 1400 – Checkpoint on timing/execution/arrangement of planned research projects and studies

8. 1400 to 1700 –Crew working time on misc. personal mission tasks and other matters

9. 1730 – Crew Reports writing

10. 1815 – 1845 – Dinner time and social time

11. 1900 – 2100 – CAPCOM time window

12. 2100 – 2130 – Crew group meditation/yoga planned after CAPCOM tonight

Mission planning for the week re

Continued review and further completion of planned preliminary and IRB submission pilot projects

Mission planning for the remaining time of the mission

1. Continued review and further ad hoc arrangement of planned pre-IRB and IRB submission pilot projects

2. Creative crew brainstorming and group reflection schedule implementation

SIM HAB and Crew preparedness, activities, and actions went well as expected.


1. Very successful long range 4 km+ EVA including combined ATV/hiking exploratory mission operated from HAB with very efficient EVA/HABCOM radio control routine

2. Post-lunch crew comprehensive discussion on further evaluations and research outcomes and novel research ideas to be potentially selected for IRB submission regarding future expeditions at MDRS

3. Further implementation of ongoing pre-pilot preliminary feasibility sleep study

4. Past MDRS expeditions’ performance, challenges, and achievements were shared with and introduced to the crew by Commander Jewell.

5. An epic scone baking contest was organized in which the bests of bests were crowned and recognized across our Martian colony

Look Ahead Plan:

  1. How are you going to follow up?

As always, daily systematic checks were planned ahead of time regarding maintenance and logistics routines as well as pre-pilot studies completion status and further organization. We abide by the timelines as we planned them. Furthermore, crew has begun to identify future potential extensions of the current works.

  1. What is the plan for tomorrow?

1. SOL 11 will be dedicated to expanding on combining filming and geological investigation during the planned EVA 9 in a selection of different but characteristic terrains.

2. EVA 9 will be set as a more complex and flexible operational demo platform in order to allow the above objectives

3. Current pre-pilot sleep feasibility evaluation will be again further geared towards crew sleep optimization.

Anomalies and any problems in work:


Weather: Dry cold, no wind, clear sunny high overcast skies. No ice and no snow on ground.

Crew Physical Status: Everyone is in excellent health and still demonstrates first-rate morale at mid -Mission.

EVA: where did you go?

Morning EVA 8 crew spent about 2 hours to perform a long range exploratory sortie combining ATV and walk in the NE sector within 3 km mile radius from HAB.

Reports to be filed:




EVA request

Daily Summary Report

Support Requested:
