
EVA Request:

EVA #7

Crew members: Jonathan Beechner, Victoria LaBarre, Otsmar Villarroel

Location:12 N 517738 4254864

ATV: 1,2,3

Time: Departure at 9:30 a.m.

Duration: 2h to 2h30.


The Emergency Medical Service Rover (EMSR) is a robot designed and programmed to retrieve an injured astronaut out on an EVA at Mars and bring him or her back to the Hab for medical assistance. This EVA will simulate a situation in which the EMSR will perform this task while driven by a human driver. The injured astronaut is a Barbie that the EMSR will go, lift up into an operating deck and then driver back to the Hab.

Goal: To test the effects a Human Driver has on the EMSR’s patient retrieval time.

EvaPlan Report




Point0 East:518230

Point0 North:4250725


Point1 Away:12 N 517738 4254864

Purpose1:Test the effects a Human Driver has on the EMSR’s patient retrieval time

Eva Number:7

Go Rogue:no

Route Change:

Lead Name:

Victoria LaBarre

Suit Num One:

Atv Num One:2

Navi Name:Jonathan Beechner

Suit Num Two:1

Atv Num Two:1

Three Name:Otsmar Villarroel

Suit Num Three:2

Atv Num Three:3

Depart Time:9:30