
Eva Report


Heidi Beemer

Eva Number:


Eva Date:


Time Slot:



Measure VNIR reflectance from various lithologic and soil types within

pre-planned survey grid. Return samples from each site for in-Hab

spectral analysis.


Completed engineering EVA (propane, diesel, water checks) prior to science EVA.

Biologist Yususke Murakami and Engineer Victor Luo managed HabCOM.

All EVA crew mobilized on foot to survey grid located 300 meters south of Hab

along Cow Dung Road. XO Heidi Beemer rolled a wheel barrow carrying

survey supplies and equipment,

Scientist Juho Vehviläinen carried sensor and computer, and I

navigated by GPS to the survey grid site.

HSO / Journalist Susan Jewell documented the science EVA with photos and video.

Radio check with HabCOM was established upon arrival at survey grid,

and thereafter on 30 minute regular intervals.

The science survey grid is 60 x 120 meters, and consists of 28 sites

on 20 meter centers established

in 4 rows (A to D, north to south) by 7 columns (1 to 7, east to west).

Survey equipment was first set-up in northeast corner of grid (site A7).

The field team remained together for all survey sites visited today,

first proceeding westward

along row A, back eastward for row B, and westward again to survey

three sites on row C.

Navigating was controlled by pre-selected GPS waypoints.

At all stations geophysical parameters were recorded prior to

systematic VNIR spectroradiometric measurements of in-situ rock and

soil. Rock and soil samples were collected in pre-labeled cloth bags;


are approximately 0.5 kg each. The survey grid is bisected by Cow Dung

Road; therefore the wheel barrow was parked roadside where collected

samples were stowed at each time of road re-crossing, reducing

necessity to carry accumulating samples. 17 of 28 primary sites were

completed before returning again by foot to the Hab.

Upon return to the Hab a final water tank measurement was completed,

and garbage bags placed in

engineering airlock were disposed.

All equipment performed well and radio comms were generally good. We

were reminded by HabCOM to inform them when departing the Hab site for

the field. Some on the EVA team experienced sweating and helmet


These conditions were anticipated and manageable. Despite wearing a

tight headband, my glasses rolled down my nose, and I figured a way to

re-prop them by lightly nudging them against the protruding helmet air

vent. XO Beemer’s radio earpiece popped out, due to snagging the loose

radio cord. A reminder to fasten or stow cords appropriately for EVA.

Eva Depart Time:


Check In Time One:


Check In One E:


Check In One N:


Check In Note One:

Comms were loud and clear. No issues

Check In Time Two:


Check In East Two:


Check In Note Two:

Comms were loud and clear. No issues

Check In Time Three:


Check In East Three:


Check In North Three:


Check In Note Three:

Comms were loud and clear. No issues

Check In Time Four:

Check In East Four:

Check In North Four:

Check In Note Four:

Eva Return Time:


Wp1 E:


Wp1 N:


Waypoint1arrive Time:


Eva W P1depart Time:


Wp1 Find:

17 sites were analyzed with spectrometer

Wp2 E:

Wp2 N:

Eva W P2arrive Time:

Eva W P2depart Time:

Wp2 Find:

Wp3 E:

Wp3 N:

Eva W P3arrive Time:

Eva W P3depart Time:

Wp3 Find:

Wp4 E:

Wp4 N:

Eva W P4arrive Time:

Eva W P4depart Time:

Waypoint Four Finding:

Waypoint Five Easting:

Waypoint Five Northing:

Waypoint Five Arrive Time:

Waypoint Five Depart Time:

Waypoint Five Findings: