
Greetings Mission Support,

Commander Report Crew 165:

Pamela Nicoletatos

Sol 6

Earth date: 12/03/16

So, last night’s Star Wars monopoly game was a whole new level of competitive tactics and game play! Everyone seriously stepped it up a notch and a take no prisoners approach was evident when within the first round, all properties were bought and Empires were being built. We had anticipated a long evening but the fall of the Rebel forces was swift with the evil Galactic Emperor (XO) leading the crew to the slaughter only an hour and 40 minutes after starting! Has to be a new world record, someone call the Guinness Book of World records!

Preparations had been made for our projects and EVA before bed.

On a personal note, I am recovering from my run and leg workout and realized shortly after exercising yesterday that “Leg Day” and our Hab stairs to access the upper and lower decks, were not a well thought out plan on my part. It was a tough decision as to how badly I needed to use the hygiene areas on our lower decks throughout the night and then careful contemplation as to how desperate I was for the comfort of my quarters or if I could cope with sleeping on the cold hard floor below!

Our Sol 6 breakfast project was a treat arranged by our Crew Engineer/GreenHab officer, which entailed an arrangement of egg and scallops over rice, miso and mussel soup, potato salad and fruit smoothie for dessert. Of course topped off by my daily dose of Espresso!

The Crew’s EVA today was in response to our external outreach for the Heidi Beemer project. Followed by lunch and On2It sponsorship media photos with the Nor Cal rover.

Additional Crew reports to follow, EVA request for Sol 7.

Much appreciation to mission support back on Earth for your time and efforts.

From Crew 165,

Crew Commander signing off.
