
Commander report


Romain Charles

We were greeted this morning by an overwhelming sun which shined the whole

day. Our 3 crewmembers doing their planned EVA made the rest of us


EVA - Andrew (EVA Lead), Danielle, Scott

With the experience gained from yesterday's EVA, the morning preparation

went smoothly. To react efficiently to any kind of contingency, we added

to our existing procedures, a "hand sign" training. Now we can communicate

with our EVA team members without a word and, most importantly, we can

understand them if they use some specific gesture!

The EVA lasted from 10:30 to 13:00 and here are a few highlights:

• Engineering activity to review the status of our external systems

• Test of the EVA Planning Tool on foot

• Test of the EVA Planning Tool with ATV

The experiment led by Andrew and Danielle was reported to be highly

successful. Nevertheless we all participated in the debriefing of the EVA2

so we could identify some new actions for the future ones.

More details in Andrew's EVA report and Danielle's Science report.

Water contingency

We received notice from Mission control at 10:30 that a resupply mission

of the Static Tank will be done in the near future. However we don't have

yet a clear schedule for its resolution.

We'll monitor daily the level of this tank and communicate any new status.

In the meantime, our crew 147 is still following the "Water saving" scenario.

Data contingency

Yesterday, we finished with only 86Mb of data available for our

communications. The counter went back to 500Mb in the morning and, after

the EVA, we confirmed our first assessment: The astronomy computer had

windows update still active. The problem is solved.

Crew Biography

We cleared some time this afternoon between our difference scientific

activities for a photo session. We'll be tranferring tonight our crew

pictures for the MDRS website.

Upcoming EVAs

We're requesting approval of an EVA on Jan 15th 2015. Wissam (EVA Lead),

Rebeca, Scott & Romain are planning an EVA for quadcopter experiment to

identify low and medium risk terrain.

Tonight we have a clear sky and our two astronomers disappeared in the

observatory. It's strange to have additional space in the hab… we feel at
