
Officer Musilova to CapCom and to Coordinator Orenstein

The green hab is operating normally, with a few changes:

The propane heater and the propane exterior valve were turned off as instructed.The #485219 model electric heater was put into the GreenHab. The tip-over safety switch was engaged and it's running at 750W. It was put on the metal floor in the doorway between the zen room and the food section, facing towards the food section, and plugged in to the hydroponics power strip.

At 9am the pump and heater will be turned off and the heater will be unplugged according to instructions. Then it will be stored on the stone tiles in the zen room.

The cayenne peppers in the small pots are growing very happily and a couple of the sweet peppers are starting to sprout. Interestingly, the peppers, which I had to open up the other day to check their condition, are now sprouting. Thus, I'm considering opening up the other peppers a little bit perhaps to help their growth. They might just need more light, because they are all currently over a centimetre deep in the soil.

The fan is set to 58 degrees all day long.

The pump is operating normally.

The remaining pepper seedlings were returned to the upper hab at 5PM.

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 68 Degrees F 54 Degrees F 81 Degrees F

Humidity 17% 14% 19%

Greenhab readings at 9AM today are as follows:

Meter 0.79 KwH

Duration 20h 55 min (due to unplugging by reporter)

Best wishes,

Officer Musilova