Crew 153

Bastien Mathurin (Crew Commander) Bastien Mathurin begins a PhD degree in the civil engineering field, particularly in the development of a bottom sediment transport model, in hydraulics. This thesis follows on construction engineering studies, passed with the mention magna cum laude at the UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain). He gains many abilities thanks to these studies, by taking part in different activities. During his Master, he chosed to be the class representative, whose he gains valuable expertise in communication and organization skills. The same skills have been trained during the supervision of exercise sessions to about twenty students, for a course in hydraulics. Moreover, he followed a group dynamics formation to carry this activity. Finally, he chosed to be the organizer of the study-field trip that teached him to be more autonomous and efficent when facing large scale projects What about his hobbies and interests, Bastien likes many sports, such as climbing, skiing or even playing tennis. He also likes to do handiwork, to take part in business games and to make photography. More recently, from his passion for the space area, he took part in a workshop orgnized by the european space agency (ESA) which allows him to become a member of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC).

Martin Evrard (Executive Officer and Crew Astronomer) Martin Edvard is a student in 2nd year of Master's degree in physics, specialised in cosmology and particle physics, at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL). He has two Bachelor's degree, one in mathematics and the other in physics from the University of Namur. He graduated high school with a specialisation in science and mathematics. Martin is interested in many subjects such as exact sciences, event organisation, music, circus and youth groups, and has consequently participated in several projects. He first worked as a logistic officer in "Orgaz'music", an association which organised musical events, where he acquired management and organisation skills. Then, since Martin is passionate about quantum physics, he also workes as a guide in several scientific expositions ( "Congrès Solvay", "Sciences au cinéma"). In parallel he is involved in "Jeunesse et Santé Namur", a youth organisation were he passed an Animation Capacity Diploma as well as a Coordination Capacity Diploma a few years later. In 2014-2015 Martin is also taking part in the "Circokot" project, a student association organising circus events at Louvain-La-Neuve.Auriane Canesse (Crew Geologist and Health and Safety Officer) Auriane Canesse is a student in 3rd year of Bachelor's degree in physics at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). After a first year in "classe préparatoire MPSI" in Paris she redirected to a Bachelor's degree in physics at the UCL in 2013. Interested by many scientific fields and especially by astrophysics and geophysics, she studies in order to become a researcher in physics. Before, she participated in the International Earth Science Olympiads (IESO) but the Mission to Mars is the first research project Auriane is taking part in. Besides her scientific interests, she practices many sports such as climbing, taekwondo, capoeira, snowboard, horse riding and many others. As health and security officer (HSO) she will be following a first-aid formation soon in order to be able to save heroically the other crew member if anything goes wrong.Gaspard Touwaide (Crew Engineer) Gaspard Touwaide is a student in 2nd year of Master degree in the civil engineering field particularly in electromechanic at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). He is currently working on his Master thesis about 3D geolocalisation applied on autonomous robot. Interested by many scientific and technologic fields, he is mad of robotic, electronic and programming but also theater. He practices many sports such as diving, unicycle, climbing, skating and trekking. He is commited in a few project such as "Kot a projet", boyscout and student spectacle. He is member of "Louvain-li-Nux" for the second year. The MDRS is for him a way to open his mind to a new field of interest and a new project to challenge his mind.Florian Commans (Crew Biologist and GreenHab Officier) Florian Commans is a biology student at UCL, currently in the fourth year (oriented in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, BBMC). Despite being graduated in latin, he realized that sciences, particularly life sciences, were made for him. Many areas passionate him: bacteriology, virology, molecular genetics, immunology ... His studies made him aware of the huge impact of biotechnologies in our society, and their challenges in the future. Ten years of scouting have given him a taste for sports and adventurous vacations, and for trekking in the wilderness with a backpack and a tent. Moreover, Florian is involved in a student organization of Louvain-la-Neuve ('Maison des Sciences'), which led him to be involved in a cohesive team ... and to assume its inherent responsibilities: organization of big cultural events, parties, faculty's play, communication with UCL and with the Science's Faculty... Concerning the Mars Desert Research Station's project, he will have the opportunity, as a biologist, to conduct several projects, including microbiology (sampling and microbial characterization under Martian conditions) and plant physiology (food products' culture in greenhouses under poor growth conditions). Romain Compère (Crew Journalist) Romain is a young man that recently obtained his master diploma from the arts, philosophy and literature. The studies he followed (romance studies) may seem like a disadvantage among the authentic scientists constituting the « Mission to Mars'» crew, but his purpose isn't to have to bring the coffee, he's there to fulfil the journalist function in the team. Moreover, he'll have to deploy his writing (and movie-shooting) skills through the redaction of a "video-novel", a new form of story that ally the audio-visual aspects of the video and the expressive capacity of the language. Wish him good luck!