
Astronomy Report


Corentin Liber

Sky Conditions: Clear

Wind: Slight

Time of Observation: 9pm-00am


This first night was used to test the CCD camera and get used to the MUSK Observatory.

We begun the observation directly after CapCom and stayed until midnight.

The supernova in m82 was our main objective for the session and we could image it but couldn't

achieve a good enough focus for good quality pictures. The supernova is still clearly visible.

List of Objects viewed:


Orion Nebula

M82 and its supernova

M99 and its supernova


Cat Eye Nebula

Perseus Double Cluster

Problems Encountered:

The Moon was nearly full and its brightness was a problem when trying to image the M99 supernova.

The Focus was difficult to achieve and is not good on some of the pictures but we corrected it by

the end of our observation session. It was too late for most of our last night pictures tough.