
MDRS Daily Summary Report

Sol 12 1/21/2016

A day to remember.

Executive Officer Adeniyi Adebayo Reporting

Mission Status: Research projects are on track and mission is going on smoothly.

Sol Activity Summary: EVA activity was aborted due to an health issue. The day was spent responding to the situation.

Look Ahead Plan: All crew members plan to conclude their research tomorrow.

Anomalies in work: We had a health issue with one of the crew members today. Crew HSO and Commander have more detailed information in their reports.

Weather: The Martian weather was warm, with clear skies.

Crew Physical Status: One crew member has an health issue that is being dealt with.

EVA: EVA activity was aborted due to an emergency.

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

HSO Report

EVA #10 Summary Report

Daily Summary Report

Journalist Report

Biologist GreenHab Report

Engineering Report

Astronomer Report

Support Requested: No support is requested at this time.