
Engineering Report

Date: 6 April 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Arwhil St Thomas

Diesel – approximately over 1/2 ~55%

Propane – 51%

Gasoline (5 Gal for ATV) – less than 1/8 gallon in reserve container(s)

Water (trailer) – 7.1cm (near empty)

Water (static) – 59.6cm (water top to tank rim)

Trailer to Static Pump used - no

Water (loft) – 38.4 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used - yes

Water Meter (Gallons: 95877.3)

Atv # Oil Checked: all full

Atv # Tires Status: all ok

Atv # Hours Used Day: 2.5 hours

Atv # Notes And Comments:

All ATVs are topped off with fuel. Two reserve gas tanks are empty. One reserve tank is less than 1/8 gallon.

Summary of Engineering activities:

main generator ON

Internet connection via WiFi


Questions and Concerns to Mission Support:

Critically low water supply and ATV gas reserves are low.