
Commander Report


Jamie Guined

Crew 138 had a great first night on Analog Mars! After a successful hand-off from Crew 137, we had dinner with the MDRS Director, and finally, unpacked our gear and settled in for the evening. Crew 138 began their second day on Mars with light Habitat maintenance under the direction of the Mars Desert Research Station Director and familiarizing themselves with Habitat systems and operations.

In the early afternoon the Crew spent time cleaning and organizing the Hab, including the common area, laboratory, and engineering bay. After organizing and cleaning the Habitat the Crew took the opportunity to further familiarize themselves with the immediate local vicinity of the the MDRS campus, specifically, to identify the area's "no fly" zones. We used this familiarization as a Crew bonding opportunity, and also as an opportunity to get a little exercise prior to the start of sim.

Tomorrow's plans include one final trip to the supply depot at the direction of the MDRS Director to return supply bins, EVA route planning, finalizing the mission plan for submission, and inspecting the EVA/sim suits prior to the commencement of regular EVA.

Jamie Guined

Commander Crew 138