
Journalist Report


Jimmy Urquhart

Members of Crew 138's first full day on Analog Mars was spent out of

sim settling in, fixing the rear deck, tracking down a

plumbing issue, cleaning up both the upstairs and lower level of the

Hab, setting up the secondary satellite communications system,

and removing several bags of trash from around the environment of the Hab.

After a meal and finishing the duties the crew embarked on a hike to

see braided stream deposits located about three miles to the

north of the Hab. The hike provided the opportunity for the crew to

get to know each other further and while also joking and

laughing. Other subjects discussed included the local geography,

geology, the environment and exploration of Mars and what

childhood movie scared a crew member for life.

A near by herd of cattle and a couple cute calves provided the chance

to contemplate how tasty they would be.

At this time crew members are preparing reports, completing light duty

around the Hab and snacking.

Six crew members were present at dawn and six crew members of present

now. Regretfully, we are not snacking on what would sure

be a tender and delicious bovine calf.

Tea and cookies are served.