
Commander Report Crew 165:

Pamela Nicoletatos


Not too long ago in a galaxy far far away (well actually we’re still in the Milky Way), Crew 165 embarked on a journey to brave the galactic hardships of space travel and join the international MDRS colony determined to make Mars their home. The journey had hardships of missed flights, lost wallets, bluescreen of death laptops, shattered camera lenses and forgotten toothbrushes, but has proven to strengthen our Crew’s determination and resolve to uncover the secrets Mars has to offer, however we know she will not offer them up easily.

Crew 164 welcomed us with open arms and a never-ending supply of Martian pizza that no place on Earth could compare to! Our crews exchanged stories from our times back on Earth, projects and the challenges we had faced here on the Red Planet. Group photos with a sea of flags from all around Earth were held high with pride and a feeling of unity for the common goal of scientific and technological advancements here on Mars. Handover was busy and since both crews were officially out of SIM, we ventured out to explore the landscape and sightsee before the evening and sleep took over. Our morning start was indeed early today, as we watched Crew 164 depart and begin to make their way home, may your journey be swift!

We spent our first day cleaning our new home as well as covering EVA protocol and ATV procedures. Afternoon meals were a treat, cooked by our Crew Astronomer and HSO Officer and if they are any indication of future meals, they will leave no Crewmember hungry! Although the challenge of powdered eggs proved interesting for our chefs, the meal of fried rice donned with omelets and soup was a huge success.

On behalf of Crew 165, our Sponsors On2It who supported our journey to Mars and The Japanese Mars Society, we look forward to utilizing our time here at the MDRS in the name of all that is science and technology!

Crew 165 will officially be engaging the airlock at midnight tonight and entering SIM.

Crew Commander signing off.
