
EVA Number: Crew 160

EVA #07 Summary Report

EVA Date: 3rd Jan 2016

Crew Commander Reporting

Purpose of EVA: Monitor and retrieve the Sandstorm Rover while engineer tests form engineering deck. Conducted engineering check list.

Location of EVA: 12S-518655E-4250895N

Number of EVA Crew: 2

Crew Members going on EVA: Ashley, Lycourgos


- ATV 1 Used: no

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: no

- ATV 4 Used: no

ATV time usage: N/A

Duration of EVA: ~1 Hour

EVA departure time: 1054

EVA return time: 1216

Time Checks:

- 1st:1630

Summary: The EVA was successful. We safely tested the rover with Ashley and I monitoring its movement. We retrieved the rover and transported to engineer through 3 minute recompression once finished. We dropped the meter stick inside the static tank – it is sitting at a slant near the bottom and we are currently looking into how to reach it. From the looks of it, it is not causing any damage whatsoever.