
Kellie Gerardi


Journalist Report

Today was our last day in simulation, which was certainly a bittersweet feeling. I'm proud of our crew's commitment to sim, and I think it truly enhanced our experience here.

We wrapped up projects today and we spent the day writing the script and filming b-roll for a short video project that we want to complete tomorrow. We've really become close friends and a short video is going to be a fun way to commemorate our time here.

We're also in the middle of swapping harddrives, and mine is currently struggling to process about 10 G of content. I don't dare disrupt its progress, so I'm going to send photos tomorrow instead.

In the meantime, an op-ed I wrote for the Huffington Post was published today, which was nice: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kellie-gerardi/the-martian-chronicles_b_6716014.html

We were also picked up by a few different outlets (Yahoo News, Live Science, etc). I look forward to publication from Popular Mechanics and a few other sites.