
GreenHab Report


Benoit Pairet

Again, the multi-plug was off, that begins to be strange. I should spend part of the night in the observatory, I'll check time to time if it's still on. I did not catch any rodents, I hope to get one tonight.

I did not water the hydroponic plants today to avoid water saturation, there is still one wellspring that does not work. I performed the transplant and it went well. I found the roots of the dead plants, I replanted them and put them under the LED lamps. I have little hope but we never know, they might grow again.

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 72 F 43 F 104 F

Humidity 16 % 9 % 20 %

Greenhab readings at 9am today were as follows:

Meter no data

Duration no data