
Commander Report

22 March 2014

Prepared by Jamie Guined

It’s hard to believe that a week has already passed since we first arrived on analog Mars. The days seem to be passing by much more quickly now, and before we know it, it will soon be time to pack up and head back to Earth. But, not just yet; we still have plenty of work left to complete during our mission. Our individual research projects are beginning to take shape and form up nicely, and several of us have found ways to collaborate on future projects here at MDRS.

Today’s activities included another successful extra-vehicular activity (EVA) sortie, and a great deal of individual work and post-processing of data. Several members of the crew also participated in the workout-of-the-day (WOD). Exercise is a very important aspect in maintaining crew health and wellness and functional capacity for operational demands such as extra-vehicular activity (EVA), habitat maintenance, and preparedness for emergency situations. In addition to the obvious physiological benefits of exercise and physical activity, it is also highly beneficial for helping to maintain cognitive and psychological well-being and performance by serving as a great countermeasure for stress reduction. Stress management is a very valuable component of a comprehensive countermeasures program for space exploration, considering the unique and demanding operational environment in which crewmembers are expected to perform at optimal levels.

The crew looks forward to taking a day off tomorrow to catch up on rest, engage in leisure activities, and prepare for the week ahead.

Good tidings from Mars,

Jamie Guined


Crew 138