

Engineering Report


Date: 12 November 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Joshua Timpe

Diesel – 15%

Propane – 36% (gauge at the top of the tank)

Gasoline (5 Gal for ATV) – 0% (needs refill)

Water (trailer) – 0 cm from the bottom (needs refill)

Water (static) – Empty

Trailer to Static Pump used - No

Water (loft) – 36 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used - Yes

Water Meter 101.078.470 Gallons on arrival (08/11/2015)

Atv # Oil Checked: Oil indicators are checked

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: >5.0 gallons (since last refill of 5 gal tank)

Atv # Tires Status: Good condition (arrival)

Atv # Hours Used Day: 4 Atv for 1.5 hour (used for EVA)

Atv # Notes And Comments: ATV w/ #11 quit during EVA today. Engine turns over but difficult to start, repeated quits during driving. Gasoline Tank for ATVs and Trailer water tank both still need refill. New oven (dropped off yesterday) is larger than previous and modifications may need to be made in order to install. Only 3 working radio headphones, fourth headphone works intermittently. Diesel store starting to run low.

Summary of Engineering activities:

    • Checked fuel stores for Hab and ATVs

    • Picked up excess trash around trailer

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support: Need water and fuel refills as noted above. ATV #11 will need to be evaluated.