
Below is our EVA #10 Summary Report.

EVA Number: Crew 160

EVA #10 Summary Report

EVA Date: 5th Jan 2016

Crew Commander Reporting

Purpose of EVA: Locate and document White Rock Reservoir site for Mission Support with photos and video footage.

Location of EVA: 12S-520500E-4248837N, 12S-520734E-4248931N (White Rock Reservoir)

Number of EVA Crew: 3

Crew Members going on EVA: Lycourgos, Marc, Hiroki


- ATV 1 Used: Yes

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: Yes

- ATV 4 Used: Yes

ATV time usage: .75 Hours

Duration of EVA: ~1.75 Hours

EVA departure time: 1332

EVA return time: 1508

Time Checks:

- None. We were out of reach for communications with HabCom.

Summary: We located the White Rock Reservoir and surrounding landmarks. All members brought cameras for photos and video footage to send to Mission Support. All ATVs fully functional and tested in the tough paths of the Martian Terrain near the reservoir.