
Crew Commander Daily Report

SOL 04

Crew 160

Crew Commander: Lycourgos Manolopoulos

As the days go by, the more I feel like Crew 160 belongs here. Everyone gets along so well, and we all seem to “click” when it’s time to get any sort of task accomplished. We rocked our EVAs with our communication relays and ATVs mission. Everyone is now comfortable with the ATVs as well as communicating with their radios, just as planned.

There seemed to be an issue with the loft water pump late at night/early in the morning. It continuously pulsed every three seconds and we lost about 10 gallons of water due to this issue. We fixed the loft water pump’s filter thanks to Mission Support that provided us updates on doing so. During our EVA, however, we noticed a separation of the HAB’s sheathing to the left of the EVA airlock and had water surrounding the area. Marc and Hiroki received approval for an urgent EVA to further investigate if this leakage had anything to do with the loft water pump.

Tonight we have a classic game of charades and probably more creepy pastas. Every night here is entertaining to say the least. We always look forward to relaxing in the loft area after a long day conducting research and EVAs. Who’s to blame us, right?