
Astronomy Report


Scott MacPhee

Renee Garifi

Sky Conditions:


Wind Conditions:



Weather conditions at MDRS have prevented observations of both target exoplanets and astro photos from Jan. 10th – Jan. 12th.

Exoplanet targets from the KELT (Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope) database for Tuesday Jan. 13th were reviewed, should observations be possible.

Processes for proper calibration exposures using were reviewed (Bias, Dark, Flat frames).

Requirements for exoplanetary transit observations were reviewed.

Processes for photometric analysis with the astronomy software (AstroImageJ) were reviewed.

Initial assessment of the Musk Observatory was completed. Shutter and Dome controls were reviewed and tested. Observatory introductory videos were reviewed.

Objects Viewed:

(Planned for Jan. 13th, 2015)

Number of Potential Target(s): 1

Object Designation: KC05C06442

Vmag: 11.84

Transit Duration: 4.06 hrs

Right Ascension: 08:29:44:38

Declination: +20:40:23:20

Planetary Period: 12.05 days

Transit Depth (mmag): 12.05

KELT database priority level (1 high – 10 low): 8

Problems Encountered:

Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the Moon filter was not present in the visual astronomer box. Can mission support please confirm the absence of this item in the photos they received upon our arrival, and look into its whereabouts?

Signing off,

Scott & Renee