
Commander Report


Paula Crock

The crew had a quiet in-Hab day today to work on project and do some cleaning. The lab floor is

cleaner than I’ve seen it before; too bad we’ll likely get it tracked up tomorrow after getting back

from the EVA. Komorowski took two more of the crew through his telemedicine training, Jessup worked

on the cabling for the radio telescope, Diaz-Rubin and Gartrelle went through IMO charts to

determine which to use for meteor observations while I repaired one broken helmet temperature logger

and readied another one for the EVA tomorrow. Starting tomorrow we should begin to see data coming

in on some of our projects so expect science reports heading Earthside soon.

With our water supply system offline until Tuesday, the crew’s discussion this evening is how they will get

through the next four days with the water currently in storage. I know crews are quite capable of

managing on this volume without much sacrifice, just extra diligence, and so I’ve done my best to

reassure them. In a few days they will see that they can get by on much less water than they think

they need -- yet another way to experience for themselves the constraints space exploration will

place on early pioneers.


CommanderCheckIn Report


Paula Crock

Crew Physical Health:

Crew member with strained back is recovering and still performing

duties as assigned. All other crew are well.

Eva Depart Time:


Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Hab Maint:

Water Delivery

Rep Sched:

Commander Check-In

Engineering Report

Science Report (GreenHab)

Future EVA Plan

Daily Photos

Journalist Report

Commander Report

Tomorrow Plan:

We have an EVA planned for tomorrow as well as some EVA suit cleaning.

The radio telescope may be functional starting tomorrow.


Added 4 4-roll packages of TP and 2 boxes of 22 count plastic trash bags

Support Req:



D.G. said he will be out of town until Tuesday.