
Commander report


Romain Charles

Our day began with a healthy breakfast and great conversations about

Space. However, every now and then we were all glancing at the loft tank

to see our water situation. Not much we could do before our EVA so we

focused on our tasks.

EVA - Renee (EVA Lead), Rebeca, Scott, Romain

Our outreach EVA started around 10h20 and finished at 13h20. It was our

longest EVA so far and here are some of its highlights:

• Many pictures & videos of the Quarry area

• Quadcopter contingency

• Engineering activities

Water Contingency

At 13:15, DG arrived at MDRS with his own water tank on the trailer. He

was welcomed by the whole crew (inside the Hab for Danielle, Wissam &

Andrew and upon arrival from the EVA for the others).

By the time he was finished, the loft tank & the static tank were full. He

also took away one week's worth of garbage by trailer.

The end of this contingency was a relief for our crew. We now have enough

water for a normal usage until the end of our crew rotation.

Saturday Space Cleaning

We've been living in the MDRS for one week now and, like in the ISS, it

was time to make a thorough cleaning of the Hab. We split the chores

between all the crew members:

• Ground floor - Andrew, Scott & Rebeca

• 1st floor - Danielle, Renee & Romain

• Loft - Wissam.

After 1h30 of intensive cleaning, we all agreed that it finally felt like

"home"- or at least a little more like a place we could call home for one

week more.

Engineering EVA

When DG left MDRS, we assumed that the static tank was full but we didn't

take note of it. For this reason our crew engineer, Rebeca, did a quick

Engineering EVA to verify that it had been refilled.

Upcoming EVAs

We have no planned EVAs for this Sunday.

We have water. The Hab is cleaned. Tomorrow we can rest. Team ISU is

enjoying a Saturday night movie and game night! Tonight's selection: The

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.