
Journalist Report


Romain Compère

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Hello Earth,

Last two days were great! For two major reasons: first, I feel a lot better now (first time since our arrival on Mars) and second, we received today a new pump from the interplanetary post. Gaspard spent his afternoon removing the previous pump and installing the new one and I’m glad to tell you that there is actually running water in the station! (Maybe Martin will finally accept to have a shower now).

Yesterday and today we had the pleasure to meet three journalists from Associated Press. The first one, Brady McCombs, arrived yesterday and spent three hours inside the station, asking questions about our life in the Hab and the practical aspects of the simulation. He also observed us during our EVA. Today, we met a cameraman and a photograph who interviewed Bastien and filmed our preparation for the EVA and the EVA itself. They even tasted our martian food, which they moderately appreciated.

The weather was cold and rainy yesterday, hot today, but still cloudy. Martin is desperate, his works on the telescope have barely progressed in one week. Florian succeeded in isolating bacteria (he has a lot of beautiful photos to prove it) and he is working on their identification. Auriane, Gaspard and Bastien carry on taking measurements. As for me, I wrote three pages of my novel today.

Tonight we will eat a curry cooked by Bastien and Florian. We hope Bastien won’t repeat the mistake he made last night: he got the cloves and the nutmeg mixed in our purée. The result wasn’t optimal.

And I don’t resist to tell you the wonderful witticism that told us Gaspard yesterday: “[About the fact to observe the stars from Mars with a telescope] Well, on Mars it’s easier ‘cause the stars are closer”.

Ad astra!

Romain Compère

Crew Journalist, crew 153.

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