
Crew 162 Daily Summary Report for Sol 04 1/27/2016

Summary Title: The calm before the storm

Mission Status: Another day of hard work by our crew on individual

research and mission goals. We are in our final preparations for a

visiting crew docking tomorrow morning for media interviews.

Sol Activity Summary: The crew enjoyed a beautiful sunrise from the 2nd

floor hab window while starting our day with meditation and yoga. We

held our morning daily planning conference over breakfast and commenced

with research experiment tasks, engineering checks and cleaning and

organizing the habitat. We divided tasks and will finish the remaining

straightening and sweeping tonight. Two of our crew made a priority to

get physical exercise by running the tunnel between the hab and the

observatory before sharing lunch and discussing our plan for tomorrow

over our afternoon planning meeting. We did not have an EVA today but

anticipate one tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow (Sol 05) we will have our first visiting crew.

The second visiting crew will take place next week on Sol 10.

Anomalies in work: Low internet bandwidth today reducing comms with

mission support. We think we know the culprit and hope to remedy the

issue and prevent it from happening again.

Weather: Beautiful clear and sunny day on Mars. Little to no wind.

Crew Physical Status: Health & Safety Officer reports that crew is fit

to carry on daily activities and recommends continuing their vitamin and

hydration regimen.

EVA: Crew did not perform an EVA today but plans to complete one


Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

Engineering Report

Journalist Report

HSO Report

GreenHab Report

EVA request

Support Requested: Crew Engineer requests support in response to trash

removal from hab and water and propane refills.