
Crew 162 Journalist Report Sol 05

January 28, 2016

Carmen Felix

Today was a very long day for us. As yesterday we couldn’t use Internet

much, we woke up today earlier than other days and finished some work.

We knew that the Fox news crew was arriving to our hab around 9 a.m. and

we wanted to have everything ready for their arrival.

We set up the 3D Printer! It worked with the pre-set test, but we had

some problems to get it working when we tried sending our own file. We

will take a look into that tomorrow.

We spent the entire day with Fox Crew; we did some interviews inside the

hab and outside, properly dressed for EVA. We talked to them about our

projects and about MDRS. We prepared lunch for them: Italian Mix Soup

with Pasta. They liked experiencing how is to cook on Mars, and they

were really interested in knowing more about the way we live here in


We went outside to do an EVA for soil sampling, and the crew filmed us

all the way down. They filmed a lot and they were very happy with all

the things we shared with them. Our filming day ended before 6 p.m.,

right on time to eat something, as we were really hungry after a packed

day. We have started working on reports, and we look forward to getting

some rest.

We also remember today to Challenger’s Crew, and we are honored to know

that our work here, and in all space analogs, contribute to increasing

space safety and ensuring that all our astronauts come back home to

their families and friends. In their memory, we dedicated this day to
