

Engineering Report

Date: Dec 19th 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Chiara Cocchia

Diesel: 40%

Propane: 55%

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) : 5

Water (trailer) measured in cm from the bottom: 26 cm

Water (static) measured in cm from the top: 33 cm

Trailer to Static Pump used: no

Water (loft): 9

Static to Loft Pump used - yes

Water Meter:

Atv # Oil Checked: 0

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: 0

Atv # Tires Status: 0

Atv # Hours Used Day: 0

Atv # Notes And Comments: 0

Summary of Engineering activities:

Everything looks fine.

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support:

I have not heard anything back regarding the trash. Is it going to be taken away? We are afraid that bringing trash out but without putting it in the bins might attract wild animals.

The broken walkie talkie has been taken away from the part of the Crew 158 that have been with us for the extra week and it will be mailed to you.
