
Eva Report


Jay Berger

Eva Number:


Eva Date:


Time Slot:



Use ATVs to transport quad-copter and deploy at way point.


Transporting the quad-copter on the back of the ATV was very easy and straight forward. We placed the quad-copter in a large padded camera bag and attached it to the back of the ATV with bungees. It was very secure. Once at the way point we deployed the copter to take images of what was beyond on top and beyond the land mass. We used three photo techniques. The first flight we took still images with the camera pointing straight down. The second flight we took still images with the camera facing about 60 degrees forward. The third flight we took video with the camera facing about 60 degrees forward. We made sure to fly the copter mostly up and not too much over the land mass in the event of a failure. The wind was very minimal making the flight very easy.

Once we viewed the images, the still photos with the camera facing 60 degrees forward seemed to give us the best perspective on the lay of the land on the other side of the land mass. We will refine our technique on subsequent EVAs

Eva Depart Time:


Check In Time One:

Check In One E:

Check In One N:

Check In Note One:

Due to location, walkie talkies were unable to communicate with hab

Check In Time Two:

Check In East Two:

Check In Note Two:

Check In Time Three:

Check In East Three:

Check In North Three:

Check In Note Three:

Check In Time Four:

Check In East Four:

Check In North Four:

Check In Note Four:

Eva Return Time:


Wp1 E:

12s 518230E 4250725N NAD27

Wp1 N:

Waypoint1arrive Time:

Eva W P1depart Time:


Wp1 Find:

Left Hab

Wp2 E:

12s 518318E 4250912N NAD27

Wp2 N:

Eva W P2arrive Time:


Eva W P2depart Time:


Wp2 Find:

Wp3 E:

12s 518230E 4250725N NAD27

Wp3 N:

Eva W P3arrive Time:


Eva W P3depart Time:

Wp3 Find:

Returned to Hab

Wp4 E:

Wp4 N:

Eva W P4arrive Time:

Eva W P4depart Time:

Waypoint Four Finding:

Waypoint Five Easting:

Waypoint Five Northing:

Waypoint Five Arrive Time:

Waypoint Five Depart Time:

Waypoint Five Findings: