
Commander Check-In Report

Prepared by Nick Orenstein

Crew Physical Status:

No reports of any health issues. Everyone is excited for the trip and in good spirits.

Eva Depart Time: n/a

Eva Return Time: n/a

EVA Highlights : n/a

Engineering/Hab Maintenance:

Replaced light bulb on loft lamp for crew member who will sleep up there.

Report Transmission Schedule:

Engineering Report

Commander Check-In

Plans for Tomorrow:

HSO Report

Drive to Hanksville to mail legal forms and purchase last minute supplies at Hollow Mountain.

1-day orientation of the area out of sim to get accustomed to MDRS. We will begin full Mars simulation Sunday night.

Will email group photo, individual photos, and bios for MDRS website

First full COMMS reports


Cannot find additional kitchen trash bags. Will purchase in Hanksville. Bought 6x space heaters and Brita water pitcher from Lowes in Grand Junction.

Support Req: Engineering report comments include request for instruction on several sections.

Miscellaneous: All crew members signed legal forms. Hab temperature seems adequate so far. Loft water refilled without pipe problem.