
Crew Commander Daily Report

SOL 09

Crew 160

Crew Commander: Lycourgos Manolopoulos

Cloudy day, with no wind present. We all seemed to have taken an extra 30 minutes to wake up this morning to catch up on some sleep. Ashley decided to play “Lady Gaba” or something like that. Seriously, terrible music and you’d expect me to say something like “after a week, you’ll get used to it.” Nope. Still, we were all able to wake up with smiling faces as usual! Impressive!

With some teamwork and a little imagination, we were able to retrieve the meter stick from the static tank as well as taking a panorama of the Hab's exterior. Ashley and I were on HabCom today and had to listen on the radio with everything that was going on during the EVA while simultaneously coping with the song “Bad Romance.” The crew removed the meter stick by utilizing two tape measures to “grab” the meter stick and slide it up on its side at just enough height to fit a hammer and retrieve it. Fun stuff really, just can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!