

> 164 Journalist Report 01/03/2016



> Sol

> 9. In a few hours, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly will be back

> on Earth after his year-long mission onboard the

> International Space Station. And in a few sols, we will also

> be back on Earth. Even though we still have three sols of

> simulation in front of us, we are already starting to

> anticipate our trip back to Europe and the return to our

> daily routine. In a few weeks, Mehdi will have stopped

> complaining about the bad food in the station and started an

> intensive currywurst care (as well as a world saving but top

> secret internship) in Darmstadt, Germany ; Mohammad will be

> back to business, wandering in the Jardin du Luxembourg of

> Paris ; Jérémy will add a new line to his resume and a new

> stamp to his passport at the University of Stockholm ; Louis

> will follow in the footsteps of Gagarin and Korolev around

> the Red Square ; Arthur will preserve the tradition of

> aerospace excellence of Toulouse wearing his uniform on the

> Place du Capitole ; and I will go back to my laboratory in

> Switzerland and to the beautiful shores of the Léman

> Lake.



> (Just

> a small comment regarding my internship in Switzerland : it

> will end next July. If someone working in the space industry

> is reading this : I IS KIND. I IS SMART. I IS NOT BURN DOWN




> The

> best part of space travel is probably going back on Earth.

> Not because the space station is not comfy enough, but

> because space travel makes Earth feel different. More

> beautiful as before. Full of new opportunities : seeing it

> from above makes it look so small, fragile, but totally

> explorable in the same time. In three sols, we will leave

> the Hab full of memories and stories to tell, and ready to

> keep on exploring space during our next mission. Per Ardua,

> Ad Astra !



> PS

> : Houston, we have a problem. Backpack n°1 is now working

> fine, but a new terrible technical problem appeared in the

> station : the frying pan we used in the morning for our

> pancakes is now terribly sticky, leaving small pieces of

> burned carbon in stead of a delicious breakfast. Mission

> support, you are our only hope.



> Camille

> Gontier, Crew Journalist MDRS 164