
Commander Report


Daniel Rivas

Hello Mission Support,

Planting Radish

Jibaja has found that are growing leaves on the radish plants cultivated two weeks ago in soil samples collected near the Hab. Two days ago, she planted radish in fertil soil from Green Hab which she was watering two times during the day. She noticed that with this last soil sample, radish have been growing faster than in the first case.

Separation of fractions of clays to analyse existence of organic matter

Cruz has been organizing the clay soil samples recollected yesterday near the Hab, requested by Jean Hunter.

Drone – 3D Image processing

Yesterday, Gora captures some images of differents reliefs which he was processing today through MatLab, to adjust parameters of the program that will be charged to the drone for analysing 3D images captured from the air.

Planting Quinoa

As part of the Castillo and Postigo’s project, they cultived Red, Black and White Quinoas two weeks ago, and only have grown the Red Quinoas.

Felines Gripping Exoskeleton

Finally, the exoskeleton is completely assembled. I have added the electronic gripping mechanism to the structure, and it is ready to be proved tomorrow in Morrison Formation, where I can find rocky surfaces, muddy and clay soil, to collect different data and observations about this project. Also, it will permit me to do a pitfalls recollection to consider later in projects which include nature/animal systems, biomechanics and martian issues.

Heating “Nutella” System

We will be doing testings to the system to collect data on a sheet, including the following aspects: time, water flow, temperature variation inside the model hab and the temperature variation of the water.

We are doing our last effort to finish everything we have proposed us the first day we arrived to Mars. Furthermore, my Crew and me are working on documentations about all that was our rotation.

Best Wishes.