
Astronomy Report


Scott MacPhee

Renee Garifi

Sky Conditions:


Wind Conditions:


Observation Start Time:

Observation End Time:


As today was crew "rest" day and no full transits were observable, we deemed it best to spend time focusing on image processing rather than spend the night observing.

Images of comet Lovejoy are promising, and photometric analysis of our Jan 15th & 16th targets is still underway. It is thought that our copy of AstroImageJ may need to be updated to expedite the process. Updating will be investigated tonight, and regular observing will commence tomorrow. On January 19th a transit ingress of KC04C020098 will be observed after midnight and on January 20th a full transit of KC03C17254 will be observed at approximately 9pm.

Objects Viewed:


Problems Encountered:

Outdated Software

Starry Skies,

Scott & Renee