
Crew 165 Engineering Report

Date: 03/09/2016 at 7:00p.m.

Crew Engineer Name: Eriko Moriyama & Masashi Hiraki

Diesel – 79%

Propane – 48%

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 2 empty containers

Water (trailer) measured in cm from the bottom– 0in / 42in i.e. 0cm/106.6cm

Water (static) measured in cm from the top – 33.5in / 42in i.e. 85.1cm/106.6cm

Trailer to Static Pump used – 0in i.e. 0cm

Water (loft) – 51gallons

Static to Loft Pump used – 49gallons

Water Meter: 105,762.9

Summary of Engineering activities: We had lots of tasks for

troubleshooting today. However, we put our efforts to make daily life

more comfortable.

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support:

We tried to check the loft tank, but we could not find teflon tape. We

asked previous crew and they did not use Teflon tape when they had

changed the filter. But we found water leaking around the meter and we

are afraid of the leaking worse without Teflon tape. So, we gave up

checking loft tank.

Intermittent pumping still happens sometimes (today, it happened at

PM5:00). Once we shut off the valve to flow water into toilet, then it

stopped. Probably, the drain line causes the problem. We tried to

check the flapper valve but we could not figure out which it is so

please give us more instructions about the flapper valve, photo of

inside toilet tank is attached.

For Backpack chargers, we have 6 cables for connecting socket, 5

cables for charger itself.All cables are re-labeled and checked the

condition per Paul’s instruction. Please see chart below.

Socket side Condition

#1 Good

#2 Good, but LED red lump is blinking when no

connecting, LED green lump is blinking when completed charging.

#3 Good

#4 Cannot charge

#5 Good, this is for another type's battery pack

#6 Good

Battery side Fuse Lead condition

#1 Missing Good

#2 Blown fuse Cannot charge, this will be able to use if fuse is replaced.

#3 Installed Good

#4 Installed Cannot charge, cable is broken

#5 Missing Good

We decided to install fuse on #4 to #1. So then, we have 3 good cables.

Water: we are still waiting.

Gasoline: we are still waiting.