
SOL: 12

12/25/2015 / Fri

HSO James Giammona

Second in Command: Chiara Cocchiara

Summary Title

Merry Christmas!


Crew 159 is celebrating Christmas on Mars! We woke up this morning to hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls, Christmas music and snow. The snow pushed back EVA10 until the early afternoon when it had melted. The crew is all thinking back over the past two weeks on their experiences. This has been a wonderful way to spend our last day of sim.

Morning briefings focused on

1. EVA10 agenda

2. Crew 160 logistics

Mission planning for the day

1. 0800 – Breakfast was an amazing meal prepared by Crew Journalist Anna Ialeggio. She made hot chocolate with whipped cream and homemeade cinnamon rolls.

2. 0900– EVA10 delayed due to snow.

3. 1020 – Commander Anna Ialeggio hands over command to XO James Giammona

4. 1030/1200 – Crew 159 discusses the past two weeks and plays Dixit, a fun boardgame.

5. 1215/1245 – Lunchtime

A hearty spicy soup was prepared by Astroengineer Barak Stoltz.

6. 1349/1540 - Crew Journalist Anna Ialeggio leads EVA10 with XO Chiara Cocchiara. They take ATVs east to explore the terrain that EVA9 surveyed yesterday.

7. 1800/1845 – Dinner time and social time.

8. 1900/2100 – CAPCOM time window

9. 2130/2230 Personal leisure time

10. 2100/0000 Astroengineer Barak Stoltz will continue taking beautiful pictures with the CCD!

Mission planning for the week

1. Crew will implement a rotating commandership where each crew member is commander for two days.

2. XO James Giammona will work on contacting the ISS. ISS Finder says that Saturday around 1800 are when the ISS will fly over the Hab. Apparently, the digipeater has been off for the past week due to emergency EVAs on the ISS. Hopefully, it will be back on today or Saturday.

3. Crew members plan to work on the 3d printer if the proposal is approved and also on other personal projects.

4. Sim ends tomorrow and Barak and Chiara go to pick up Crew 160.

Mission planning for the remaining time of the mission

1. On Friday, commander will submit final report by 5pm.

2. Crew 159 will help Crew 160 travel from Grand Junction and assist in assembling their supplies.


1. A highly successful EVA today for EVA10. After engineering check, EVA10 headed northeast along the main road on ATVs. They confirmed the previous boundary area where communication with the Hab becomes spotty and then ceases, which is perhaps a 3 minute ATV ride.

2. They then turned onto a side road which had not yet been explored and investigated this new terrain.

3. Crew wrote final reports and got ready to end sim tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan:

1. How are you going to follow up?

1. Crew will finish setting up the 3D printer.

2. XO Giammona will try one last time to contact ISS on Saturday.

2. What is the plan for tomorrow?

1. Sim ends, Commander will photograph the Hab before Crew 160 moves in.

2. Crew 159 goes to Grand Junction to pick up Crew 160

Anomalies and any problems in work:


Weather: Partly overcast day. Snow in the morning. Some wind. 20-35 degrees F.

Crew Physical Status: Everyone remains in excellent health and high spirits.

EVA: where did you go?

After engineering check, EVA10 headed east on the ATVs along the main road for about an hour. After some exploring on foot, they returned the same way.

Reports to be filed:




EVA Summary Report

Daily Summary Report

Final Mission Summary

Support Requested:
