
Science Report


Paula Crock

Today was the second day of data collection for the EVA helmet temperature study and the radio 'dead'

zone mapping survey.

EVA helmet temps: Data were again collected on two subjects during today's EVA. This time the

helmet sensors were taped at the back of the helmet to keep them from coming out, which solved the

problem experienced yesterday. Otherwise the placement method seems to work well.

Radio Dead Zone map: For this EVA today we headed south east and then east to get data on two of

Jessup's strata study. During those excursion I completed 5 radio comms checks when we were in

particularly topologically complex regions. For future EVA, unless the plan is to check specific

model-derived map boundaries comms checks would best be performed either at long line of sight

distances from the Hab or in topologically complex regions as they are encountered rather than

trying to determine them in advance from maps.


Science Report


Joseph Jessup

Geology Report

Acquired two points for GIS map study of canyon drainage flow patterns via EVA on foot. Measured

strata elevations for ARC GIS software using GPS and physical ground truthing and climbing up hill

slopes at:

12S 518343 4250 580 Elevation 4493 and 12S 518 676 4250 860 Elevation 4488

Two more elevation points are needed, and data collection for mapping project will be complete.

ARC GIS 10.0 strata reconstruction map 50% completed.