
GreenHab Report


Benoit Pairet

The heater has been running: from 6 PM to 9AM

The pump is operating normally and the hydroponic tank water is 8cm below full.

- The fungus has been treated during the night and it seems to stop spreading (only one little found at 5pm).

- Vegetables in two pots on the hydroponic have died during the night. I don't know why it's gone wrong but I did not water the hydroponics today just to be sure it does not spread if it is caused by water. I joined some pictures.

- The first beans seed is showing up.

- For the rest, see the attached pictures.

The bucket under the hydro tank was 3 quarter and no transfer today

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 75 F 37 F 99 F

Humidity 15 % 10 % 21 %

Greenhab readings at 9am today were as follows:

Meter 0.53 kWh

Duration 15h19 min

Plant Watering Time:

Harvest Report:

Maintenance Report:

Supplies Request: