
Commander Report


Brad Turner

It was a good day on Mars!

We were a bit demobilized today because of some various fuel issues, but made the best of it by

further working on our research projects and checking the status of our in-HAB experiments. As of

today, our biological experiments have yielded positive results for both highly active fungi and

bacteria, which we will classify at a later time, once they mature completely. Also during the day,

several of our crew conducted an advanced series of pre-approved repairs on the GreenHab by

constructing a trellis for the sweet pea plants; as well as, trapped a mouse using a small swab of

Nutella. Throughout the day, we feasted on fulfilling repasts of oatmeal, Cajun rice, left overs,

and pizza bread; as those ever-unpredictable storm clouds ambled about our location. We eagerly

await tomorrow on the Martian surface and spending the day testing our hypotheses.

As always, it is good to be the life on Mars!
