

Engineering Report


Date: 07 November 2015 20:00

Crew Engineer Name: Stergios Palpanis

Diesel – slightly less 25% (Diesel tank was refilled on 07/11/2015)

Propane – 40% (gauge at the top of the tank)

Gasoline (5 Gal for ATV) – 0% request refill when it can be scheduled (all Atv are topped off)

Water (trailer) – Request refill as soon as possible

Water (static) – 50cm from the top

Trailer to Static Pump used - Yes

Water (loft) – 45 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used - Yes

Water Meter 100.300,70 Gallons on arrival (28/10/2015) 100.994,00 on departure (7/11/2015)

Atv # Oil Checked: Oil indicators are checked

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: 5.0 gallons

Atv # Tires Status: Good condition (arrival and departure)

Atv # Hours Used Day: 1 Atv for half hour (familiarize using them EVA suits)

Atv # Notes And Comments: No Comments

Summary of Engineering activities: No Engineering activities took place today.

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support:

• Request for water tank (trailer) refill as soon as possible

• There is a possibility the gage indicator on the diesel tank will get stuck again. Future crews need to be informed about this issue in order to make a request for a refill to Mission Support ahead of time so power loss can be avoided.

• As far as the water usage, according to the data collected, we have the following results:

 Maximum usage of water for a Shower 3.05 gallons

 Minimum usage of water for a Shower 1.00 gallons

 Average usage of water for a Shower 1.78 gallons

 Half Flush of toilet 1.09 gallons

 Full Flush of toilet 2.30 gallons

There are many simple ways that a crew can minimize the water usage. The following were used during our rotation:

 Dishes, cutlery, etc. were washed as soon as possible after use.

 Each crew member used the same glass/mug for more than one time and washed it only when necessary.

 Toilet was flushed when necessary ("if it is yellow, let it mellow; if it is brown, flush it down"). Also a small bucket was used to clean toilet instead of using the water directly from the toilet.

 A shower rotation of two crew members showering every 3 days was followed to minimize the usage of water and be fair to everybody in the crew. We also used the following procedure for showers that seemed to help cover main areas and still be clean: "The funky four: pits, feet, junk, trunk".

 Water not suitable for consumption was used for cleaning purposes.