
EVA Report:

EVA#8 with ATV 1 and 3

Crew members: Mehdi Scoubeau (EVA leader) and Mohammad Iranmanesh

Location: “Stacy’s Cake” (12s-519965E-4250992.5N)

Time: departure at 9:30 a.m.

Duration: 3 hours


-Project CRV (Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle):

Looking for the right place to conduct the experiment

Conduct the experiment and take videos/photos

9:35 a.m. : EVA leaves Airlock

9:40 a.m. : Engineer Checks Complete

10:00 a.m. : EVA departs

10:10 a.m. : Check-in

10:15 a.m. : Off main road to site – losing communication

10:23 a.m. : Check-in – no coms

12:11 a.m. : Check-in from EVA#8

12:17 a.m. : Back to the Hab

12:28 a.m. : Enter Airlock

Summary: We arrived at “Stacy’s Cake” rather quickly because of our previous scouting. We walk towards” Candor Chasma” (sort of canyon) where we had spotted an interesting cliff to conduct our experiment. That cliff is on the north side of the canyon and has visible strata. We had the time to let the CRV (Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle) a few meters down the cliff and go to the other side of the canyon to take some shots (see Journalist Report). We then proceeded to gather our equipment and head back towards the Hab. It was an efficient and well planned EVA.