
Commander Report Crew 166:

Mathieu Roiseux

Sol 2

Earth date: 22/03/16

Today our planning has been changed by unwanted and unexpected events.

During the breakfast preparation the electricity suddenly shut down.

Fortunately, the sunlight and a small lamp were sufficient to allow us

to eat in great conditions. Then, when we were preparing the team for

the EVA, the power went back on. At this moment, Shannon contacted us

and we learnt about the sad things which happened in Brussels. The

airport of the Belgian capital was our starting point to Mars few days


We postposed the beginning of the EVA to obtain news from our families

and friends. After one hour, it seemed like no one that we know got

hurt by the explosion, even if some of them were in the airport at the

very moment of the explosion. We decided to go back to SIM and made a

shorter EVA than expected. We took some pictures with the Belgian

flag. It was planned before our lift off from Earth but it took kind

of a special meaning today. We think about all the families who

weren’t as lucky as we are today and who lost someone close. We thank

the Capcom team which allow us to communicate with home.

No particular problem happened during the EVA but at the end I was the

only person who still had his microphone in an appropriate position to

communicate. We will try something different tomorrow to fix it better

at our ears. At our return we eat a warm soup and some bread made by

Bertrand and Arthur.

Tomorrow we will open the envelope concerning Heidi’s project. The

other project is more difficult to handle and I think that we will ask

questions during the Capcom before starting it.

From Crew 166; MDRS Martian Outpost

Crew Commander


Semper Altius