
SOL: 5


HSO Philippe A. Souvestre

Second in Command: Nicholas Ip Jewell

Summary Title

Crew 158 prepares for a Saturnian visit tomorrow


Overall, Mission status is evolving well as planned, excepted Saturnian visit postponed to tomorrow

  1. Morning briefings focused on

1. Saturnian/media visitors planned to arrive tomorrow between 0800 and 0900 to spend whole day onboard with clearance to participate along with EVA 5 as neutral observers/film crew

  1. Mission planning for the day re

1. 0800 - Breakfast/Crew tasks and duties

2. Water system Logistics status review re crew showers, dish washing, loft tank maintenance

3. EVA4 of the day led by Susan Ip Jewell, with Ilaria Cinelli and Philippe Souvestre

4. 1000 – EVA3 donning

5. 1106/1240 – EVA sortie/airlock time logs/1h 34minute long including besides initial daily engineering checks a technical feasibility evaluation of an ATV retrieval, mitigation, and triage of a wounded astronaut with broken arm and slow leaking spacesuit depressurization

6. 1300 – Lunch time with post-EVA debrief

7. 1315 – 1330 – Prepwork/discussion re tomorrow’s Saturnian/media visitors

8. 1330 – 1400 – Checkpoint on timing/arrangement of planned research projects and studies

9. 1400 to 1700 –Crew working time on misc. personal mission tasks and other matters

10. 1630 – Study set up and Crew introductory familiarization to a novel biomedical technology

11. 1730 – Crew Reports writing

12. 1815 – 1845 – Dinner time and social time

13. 1900 – 2100 – CAPCOM time window

14. 2100 – 2130 – QA video for Educational School Outreach

15. 2130 – 2200 – Crew group meditation/yoga planned after CapCom tonight

  1. Mission planning for the week re

1. Continued review and further completion of planned pre-IRB submission pilot projects

2. Saturnian/media visit postponed for today and confirmed for tomorrow on SOL6 and SOL7

3. Social time schedule revision with proposed new items

4. Daily crew group meditation/yoga planned after CapCom

  1. Mission planning for the remaining time of the mission

1. Continued review and further ad hoc arrangement of planned pre-IRB submission pilot projects

2. Creative crew brainstorming and group reflection schedule ready to be implemented

SIM Hab and Crew preparedness, activities, and actions went well as expected.


  1. Very successful EVA4 sortie/HABCOM routine with two very successfully accomplished objective re

    1. Retrieval, space suit leak mitigation, and triage of a wounded astronaut at a distance requiring ATV support

    2. Preliminary pre-test biomedical experience and assessment of MDRS spacesuit’s adverse impact on global human performance, well-being, and health

  2. Most of the afternoon spent with working on crew assigned tasks, duties as well as prepping for setting up preliminary feasibility pre-pilot study projects

  3. Creative Crew activity scenarios were discussed and evaluated re tomorrow’s Saturnian/media visit planned for SOL 6 and SOL 7

Look Ahead Plan:

1. How are you going to follow up?

Daily systematic checks are planned ahead of time regarding maintenance and logistics routines and pre-pilot studies completion status and further organization. We will abide by the timelines as we planned them.

2. What is the plan for tomorrow?

    1. Submitted EVA5 related investigations and testings will focus again on evaluating

i. combined airborne [UAV reconnaissance] and ground [ATV SAR] operations aiming at retrieval, slow spacesuit depressurization mitigation, and triage/conditioning of a wounded astronaut away beyond walking distance from Hab, and

ii. MDRS spacesuit’s adverse impact on global human performance, well-being, and health, during this particular operation.

Anomalies and any problems in work:


Weather: Dry cold, no wind, full overcast with a few sunny blue patches. No ice and no snow.

Crew Physical Status: Everyone is in excellent health and demonstrates first-rate morale.

EVA: where did you go?

Mid-morning, EVA4 crew spent over 1.5 hour including 70 minutes performing an ATV based retrieval of a wounded incapacitated astronaut located about 500 meter radius South-East sector from the Hab.

Reports to be filed:




EVA request

Daily Summary Report

Support Requested:

