
DRS Daily Summary Report for Sol 02, Crew 162

Summary Title: Getting into the groove on Mars

Mission Status: Our second Sol on Mars is drawing to an end but there is much still to do! This was the first full day of work in sim and we are settling into the groove of daily routine.

Sol Activity Summary: The crew worked hard today on individual projects with two crewmembers rising before breakfast to start on their tasks. Crew Engineer performed the first in-sim engineering check while the Commander trained the HSO on Habitat Communicator (HabComm) procedures. The two-person soil collection EVA was postponed until tomorrow so that the plant habitats could be set up. Work is planned to continue into the evening with clear weather conditions and reduced wind providing an opportunity to set up the telescope for observations of the 5-planet alignment prior to sunrise tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: We continue to focus on research project set-up and initialization this week, filming introduction videos for education and outreach and putting together our daily work plans to maximize our productivity while in sim. We have a planned news media visit at the end of this first week and an international photographer visit during our second week.

Anomalies in work: No problems experienced on Sol 02Weather: Clear and cool this evening with wind greatly reduced since Sol 01.

Crew Physical Status: Health & Status Officer performed lead our team in stretching, breathing and relaxation activities before our comm window opening in order to promote stress-management and team building.

EVA: The planned EVA for Sol 02 has been postponed to Sol 03 for scheduling. We will not submit an EVA summary report tonight. Instead, we will re-submit the EVA request from Sol 02.

Reports to be filed:

-Daily Summary

- Commander’s Report

-Green Hab Report

-EVA Request Re-submission

-Engineering Report

-Journalist Report

-Daily Photos

Support Requested: No support requested beyond the engineering resource

requests of water and propane refills and trash removal.