
Journalist Report


Hello Earth!

Today was a windy day on Mars Everything goes well, and the projects are almost ready!

Today we didn´t an EVA, due to Mission Control didn’t send us the confirmation. But we worked hard in our projects and make a list to do for new homework, like do a inventory of the work tools an cookware in the HAB, take pictures of the Hab and do a manual of what to do when we arrive on the MDRS, for futures astronauts, also try to fix the 3D printer.

For the lunch, Nolvert cooked Pasta with dehydrated meat that we found yesterday.

In the afternoon we took an official pictures of every one with our spacesuits. And we are going to share it with Earth soon.

The Journalist, Celeste.

Sol 7

Hola amigos de Tierra,

Hoy amanecimos con un día frío, la temperatura estaba aproxidamente en 18° celcius. Sin embargo nos esperaba un buen chocolate claliente con queque de banano, preparado por la comandante.

En la mañana Orson realizó su último EVA, donde colocó sus sensores en la parte alta del pecho. para finalizar con el muestreo en todo el cuerpo. Su acompañente de EVA fue Nolverth y el camino a su punto de llegada, encontraron un ser marciano, en forma de venado, pero aún dudamos en la ver

Mientras los demás continuábamos con nuestras tareas diarias y el desarrollo de los projectos. Hoy por ejemplo, se empezó a realizar un diágnostico del estado de la impresora 3D para tratar de repararla, y en mi caso preparando el rover para el Eva de pasado mañana.

A la hora del almuerzo, Luis nos deleitó con unas chapulas colombianas, por el momento ha sido lo mejor que hemos probado en el MDRS, así que posiblemente se preparen más para la cena.

La tarde ha sido muy tranquila y entrenida, ya que algunos miembros del equipo jugaron unas partidas de ajedrez y Marcos empezó a tocar unas piezas con el Strumstick

Es interesante compartir con gente de diferentes culturas, eso nos abre más la visión del mundo y nos hace sentirnos orgullosos de nuestras raices culturas. Orgullosos de ser latinos.

Saludos desde Marte,

Journalist Cew 169.

Celeste B.

sun 7

Hello friends Earth,

Today we woke up with a cold day, the temperature was 18 ° celcius aproxidamente. However we expected a good claliente chocolate banana cake prepared by the commander.

In the morning Orson made his last EVA, where its sensors placed in the upper chest. to finish with sampling throughout the body. His acompañente EVA was Nolverth and the way to its point of arrival, found a Martian be in the form of deer, but still doubt on watch. While the others we continued with our daily tasks and development projects. Today, for example, it began to diagnose the state of the 3D printer to try to repair it, and in my case preparing the rover for Eva after tomorrow.

At lunchtime, Luis delighted us with a Colombian chapulas, so far has been the best we've tried in the MDRS, so possibly prepare more for dinner. The afternoon was very quiet and entrenida as some team members played a few games of chess and Mark started playing pieces with Strumstick. It is interesting to share with people from different cultures, that opens us the world view and makes us proud of our cultural roots. Proud to be Latino.

Greetings from Mars,

Journalist Crew 169.

Celeste B.