
EVA #01 Summary Report

EVA Date: 28th Dec 2015

Purpose of EVA: To familiarize ourselves with the suits, environment, and maneuverability.

Location of EVA: 12S-518473E-425045N

Number of EVA Crew: 4

Crew Members going on EVA: Lycourgos, Cassandra, Ashley, John


- ATV 1 Used: no

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: no

- ATV 4 Used: no

ATV time usage: N/A

Duration of EVA: N/A

EVA departure time: 1105

EVA return time: 1221

Time Checks:

- 1st: 1117

- 2nd: 1125

- 3rd: 1130

- 4th: 1145

- 5th: 1153

- 6th: 1200

Summary: This was an excellent EVA, especially as our first official EVA. We had to control a crew member’s disorientation and confusion during the EVA which would have been a fatal situation if she did remove her helmet. We were able to calm her and continue with the EVA. We had to do an emergency abort for the same member later on when we were near the Hab since she fell and her helmet slipped from the suit at certain areas which could have been a breach in the life support system. This was a great way to see how everyone on the EVA crew as well as the HabCom team reacted to pressure. This definitely helped prepare us for upcoming EVAs in our two week rotation.