
Commander's Report


Daniel Rivas

Good night Mission Support,

There are some days when you are too far from your family and friends,

somewhere where you are having a great experience, and you start

feeling confused because you would like to come back to see them, but

at the same time, you want to stay in this strange place where you are

doing all these things you love and don’t use to do. I felt that


Planting Camotes

Jibaja was doing her daily observations of the sweet potatoes and

radish plants. She has noticed that stems are growing on the radish

planted in Dakota’s soil samples. This is not common and she did not

expect that fast results. Her efforts are giving good results and

growing like stems.

Dron Project

Gora had calibrated the parameters for the dron’s controller and he

has been searching wire connectors to be used on his project.

Analyzing soil samples

In the morning Cruz, accompanied by Castillo, went on an ATV’s Sim to

Tunuc to collect soil samples to be analyzed in the laboratory looking

for organic components. Now, he is drying this soil samples.

Felines Gripping Exoskeleton

Finally, I finished the main controller card for my project. Tomorrow

I will start to fix some

mechanical issues of the exoskeleton and then assemble the electronic

system to it. So, I will have some days to prove it and collect

necessary data.

Heating “Nutella” System

We haven’t been working on this project today, but it is ready in a

70%; the heating system is finished, so we only need to design and add

the part which will capture the heat from the sun.

The Wrapping Feet

We have some wraps (to cover shoes like you can find in the hospitals)

to do some experiments and try to solve ergonomics issues. Then, we

have been working on the external structure and the servomotor -gear

mechanism which will generate the successive colocation of every cover

in the foot automatically. Tomorrow we are expecting to finish all the

structure to start with the electronic controller.

Nothing else today, we are investing a lot of time on these crew

projects and we would like to obtain great results with them. My team

is great!

Best Regards.