
Astronomy Report:

Name: Shteyngardt Veronika

Date: 01/13/2016, 01/14/2016

Sky Conditions: 01/13/2016 it was completely foggy, clouds on the horizon, 01/14/2016 it is partly cloudly.

Wind conditions: No wind

01/13/2016 sky checked at 20.30, 22.00, 23.00.

Observation Start Time: 01/14/2016 16.00

Observation End Time: 01/14/2016 17.00

Summary: 01/13/2016 it was impossible to observe anything, 01/14/2016 me and crew biologist figured out the problem in the Dome. Also, we observed the Moon on the blue sky and made pictures, commander joined us. If the sky is clear we will continue observations today.

Objects viewed: the Moon.

Problems Encountered: 1) The Dome. We removed south part of the guard, everything was fine, except there is a point where there is a gap between a wheel and the trail. After that we removed the west part and found the problem. It is the west guard itself, it blocks one wheel of the dome and the dome stops. And sometimes it “jumpes” at the same west point, when other wheels go here. Guard has several holes at the same places, pictures are attached, so it seems like someone already tried to change its position. For now, I leaved the dome without this guard and I am waiting for your instructions. Should I find new position, make new holes and attached it or should I just leave it like this?

And at the place of connection of two walls (on the picture) the movement is not smooth, there is a little difference in levels, but it is not critical, I think.

2) I have one more question. After some time of being turned on telescope starts to make “clack” sound. Like "Clack" – a couple of seconds – "clack"…. If I turn it off and then turn on again, the sound still remains. Is it ok?

Looking forward to your instructions.

Yours sincerely,

Shteyngardt Veronika