
Science Report


Cyprien Verseux

All seeds have now been planted. Those receiving a liquid supplement (synthetic urine

and/or water collected after regolith boiling) received the planned dose and all samples

received distilled water 4 times their routine watering dose to sufficiently wet the

(very dry) regolith and control soil. The routine watering schedule will be followed from

tomorrow on. Fingers crossed!

On a less bright side, we noticed the presence of thin fibers (presumably rootlets and

other vegetal material) mixed with the regolith simulant. The level of organic material in

the simulant is normally very low, and I never had this issue in previous orders from the

same provider, Orbitec. I contacted them to investigate. The concentration of these fibers

remain low, and we hope they won't significantly interfere with the experiments.

More information on the plant experiment will be given in Carmel and Vincent's reports


Temperature where cyanobacteria's cultures are placed remains suitable through day and

night (between 20 and 30°C, mostly close to 25°C).

The first sampling EVA took place. Together with Dario, we spent close to 4 hours

collecting stone and soil samples in different locations (in the east of the Hab, between

100 and 800 m from it) from which we collected UVA and UVB intensities, solar spectrum,

GPS coordinates and pictures from various distances. Bulky gloves and reduced visibility

definitely makes everything more time- and energy-consuming, but no major problem was
